来源:幼教网 2018-08-17 11:33:45
掩耳盗铃 (Ostrich Logic)
Long, long ago, a man found a very big bell tied to a house door. He wanted to take it away but he couldn"t reach it. When the man tried to break it into pieces with a hammer, there was a loud clanging sound. He was afraid that someone would hear the noise, so he immediately covered his ears. But he was caught for others didn"t cover their ears. They could hear the noise.
Worrying about other people hearing the noise is understandable, but covering his own ears as if this would prevent others from hearing is absurd.
Long, long ago, a man found a very big bell tied to a house door. He wanted to take it away but he couldn"t reach it. When the man tried to break it into pieces with a hammer, there was a loud clanging sound. He was afraid that someone would hear the noise, so he immediately covered his ears. But he was caught for others didn"t cover their ears. They could hear the noise. 很久以前有一个人。一次他看见人家大门上挂着一个很大的铃铛,就想把它偷来。可是他又够不着。然后他就想:用斧头把铃铛打碎就可以把它弄走了。但是他用斧头砸的时候,铃铛就响了起来。他怕别人会听到,因此就立刻捂上自己的耳朵,以为这样别人也就听不见了。但是,他还是被人发现了,因为别人并没有捂着耳朵。Worrying about other people hearing the noise is understandable, but covering his own ears as if this would prevent others from hearing is absurd. 担心别人听到声音还可以理解,但是以为捂上自己的耳朵别人就听不到了实在是荒谬之极。