来源:幼教网 2018-03-20 21:37:43
What is “husband”? Can you guess?
S: Yes.丈夫read it please.
T: Li Ming's mother is Li Ming's father's wife? What is “wife”? Can you
S: Yes,妻子read it please.
T: You're very clever
2、show Li Ming`s mother`s sister and brother .
T: Li Ming mother's sister is aunt.
Can you guess “aunt”?
S: Yes 姨read it please.
T: Li Ming's mother 's brother is uncle.
Can you guess “uncle”。
S: Yes 舅read it please.
T: Very good
What's Li Ming's aunt's name?
Who is her husband?
Who is his wife?
4、Let the Ss introduce Li Ming`s father`s sister and brother by themselves .Prictice with “cousin” .
5、Use the student book and audiotape , practice their listening .
6、 Drawing : Drawing your family and introduce the members of your family
三、Class closing
Lesson 2 : Aunts, Uncles and Cousins
aunt ( mother's sister / father's sister )
uncle ( mother's brother / father's brother)
cousin (uncle 's /aunt 's child )