来源:互联网 2016-08-09 10:59:08
Young wolf and very young wolf听到Mr. Black Cat说“good idea”, they feel very happy. 他们说了声,“goodbye, see you tomorrow,”就高高兴兴地go home. The next afternoon, before three twenty, Mr. Black cat and his police dog在南山路口边的一片矮树丛里埋伏好。Young wolf and very young wolf在南山路口离big tree大约有one hundred metres一块big stone后面埋伏好。After one hour, Mr. Black Cat and his police dog see a gorilla, 从西面的山坡上走下来。The gorilla comes to the big tree and stops. 他东张西望,好像是在等什么人。Mr. Black Cat赶紧用his mobile 给young wolf and very young wolf 发了一条短信息。Young wolf and very young wolf open their mobile and read,"Please go to the big tree right away." So young wolf and very young wolf go to the big tree. 他们一边走一边拉拉扯扯,好像在争吵什么事情,他们越走近big tree就越吵得厉害。When they get to the big tree, 当他们走到大树下时,他们干脆打了起来。只见young wolf重重地给了very young wolf一拳。
Very young wolf毫不示弱,重重地扇了his brother一记耳光。“啪” 接着,he takes the bag from young wolf's hand and take out厚厚的一叠money from the bag. 然后他从年轻的狼手里拿过包并从包里拿出了厚厚的一叠钱。这厚厚的一叠money至少也有fifty thousand yuan,至少也有五万元。
Very young wolf叫喊起来:You are a greedy wolf.你是一只贪婪的狼。I help you sell a panda, 我帮你卖了一只熊猫,你赚了足足two hundred thousand yuan, 你赚了足足二十万元,but you only give me fifty thousand yuan,可是你只给我五万元,how can you do that? 你怎么能这样做呢?You are not my real friend. 你不是我真正的朋友。If you are my real friend, you should give me one hundred thousand yuan. 如果你是我真正的朋友的话,你应该给我十万元。
Young wolf一边去抢his brother手中的money,一边说,明明是我想办法buy a panda, you only help me sell the panda, 你只是帮我卖掉了那只熊猫,I give you fifty
thousand yuan, 我给你五万,怎么能算少呢?Now you want another fifty thousand yuan,现在你又要五万元,you greedy wolf. 你这贪婪的狼。Give me back my money,把钱还给我。
就这样,他俩你一拳我一脚,一边打一边吵,好像根本就没有看见gorilla似的,the gorilla在一旁看热闹。When he hears the two wolves sell a panda for two hundred thousand yuan, 当他听到两只狼卖了一只熊猫赚了二十万元的时候,他心里立刻作起了发财梦。他赶紧向Young wolf and very young wolf打招呼,“Hello,你们俩为什么争吵啊?”Very young wolf说,“我们俩为什么争吵关你屁事,go away,滚开。”The gorilla嬉皮笑脸地说,“刚才I hear you buy a panda,到底是怎么回事啊?”Young wolf说,“We buy a panda,与你有什么关系?”我们买熊猫与你有什么关系?You have no panda. 你又没有熊猫。Go away! The gorilla说,How do you know I have no panda?你怎么知道我没有熊猫?Listen, I have a panda, 我有一只熊猫,and I want to sell the panda. 我想把这只熊猫卖掉。But I want to sell the panda for a lot of money.但是我想卖个好价钱。钱,Money,钱,you know...
Young wolf说,“Do you really have a panda? 你是真的有一只熊猫吗? Ok, if your panda is very clever, strong and beautiful, 如果你的熊猫聪明,健壮,漂亮,I can buy the panda, 我可以把那熊猫买下来。至于money嘛,咱们好商量。” Very young wolf接着说,But where is your panda? 但是你的熊猫在哪里?你会不会是骗我们呢?
We must see your panda first. 我们必须先见到你的熊猫。If you really have a panda and the panda is clever, strong and beautiful, we will give you one hundred fifty thousand yuan. 我们会给你十五万元。When the gorilla hears he will get one hundred fifty thousand yuan, 当大猩猩听到他可以得到十五万元时,比他勒索Little Panda's granny的one hundred thousand yuan整整多出了half,比他勒索小熊猫奶奶十万元整整多出了一半,五万元,哈哈,he is very happy. 高兴得他差点跳了起来,连忙说,“Panda就在西面mountain个一个山洞里。要是不相信,please come with me.”Young wolf对very young wolf点了点头,然后就高高兴兴地go with the gorilla. The gorilla没有看见Mr. Black Cat and his police dog 正悄悄地跟在他们后面。